cover design by Enzo Silon Surin
cover inspired by the photograph
"If You Don't Use It" by Melanie Henderson
The Next Verse Poets Mixtape
Volume One: the 4 X 4
featuring: Melanie Henderson, Fred Joiner, Lisa Pegram, & Enzo Silon Surin
5 x 7 | 64 pages | Poetry
ISBN 978-1-941604-02-1
Publication Date: June 2016
THE NEXT VERSE POETS MIXTAPE is a poetry sampler of ethnographic significance. 4 poets represented by 4 poems each offer insight into the shared experiences of black Americans in today’s political and social climate. Poems such as “Notes to a Little Black Boy”, “Seven Ways of Looking at Black Flowers”, and “How to Nullify a Super Hero” speak loudly about negotiating the delicate promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In addition, poems like “Lamb & Vodka”, “Drum Lesson”, “Nostalgia”, and “Once, When We Were Not Gods” highlight place and its lingering presence in our beings in ways that are akin to us all. These poems, both layered and plain, coax reverence as each poet explores the intricacies of the familiar.
Don't forget to BOGO: Buy One and Get One, for a friend :)